This project is a basic drawing game that allows to click and spawn either cubes or spheres.  The user can click and spawn prefab shapes that I made. Nothing happens when the button is held and dragged across the board. There are two buttons to switch the spawned shaped, a cube and a circle button. There is also a button to reset the board so that the user doesn't have to restart the game.

These are each of the features this project has:

1. Spawn Objects: Input: User clicks anywhere on red board. Output: Object spawns. When the user uses the mouse and clicks with either the left or right button, a 3d object will spawn. Nothing else happens when the button is held down, because this is more of a precision drawing application. If they click off the red board, nothing will spawn. Objects can spawn on each other, colliding and making a more in-depth picture.

2. Mouse Position: Input: Moving the mouse anywhere on the screen. Output: Displays the mouse's position in yellow above the buttons. Wherever the user moves the mouse, it will display its x and y coordinates.

3. Switch Shape Type Button: Input: Click on button. Output: Changes the shape that is casted to that shape. There are two buttons, a cube and circle button. When either is pressed, the shape that is spawned onto the screen when the mouse button is clicked will change to that.

4. Reset Button: Input: Button is pressed by user. Output: The whole scene is reset, and the user can restart with a fresh board. This button is meant to allow the user to create a new picture without having to reset the entire game.

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